Thursday, January 14, 2010

At the start of the second semester, taking into consideration the snow days of the first week back, the class is beginning the get into a working routine. In Communication Arts, we have started reading "The Battle for the Castle", the sequel to "The Castle in the Attic". The class is still working on constructing a cardboard "castle" that, when finished, we plan to use as a reading area. As the construction has seemed to come to a turning point, the class has decided to elect a foreman to oversee the completion of the construction. Each student is creating a candidate speech in order to be able to run for the election of the foreman position. Each student will present their speech for the class before a vote is taken. The potential for a spirited election process is a distinct possibility.
In the weeks to come we will begin a daily lesson relating to the upcoming Winter Olympics.
All in all, we are off to a great start in 2010!